Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel is an excellent book
I just finished skimming through Bruce Eckel’s Thinking in C++ book – available for free from his website. Volume 1 covers the basics pretty well and I didn’t really do much more than glance at it, but...
View ArticleThrush Operators in Clojure (->, ->>)
I was experimenting with some sequences today, and ran into a stumbling block: Using immutable data structures, how do you execute multiple transformations in series on an object, and return the final...
View ArticleStack implementation in Clojure using Protocols and Records
I was trying to experiment with Clojure Protocols and Records recently, and came up with a toy example to clarify my understanding of their usage in the context of developing a simple Stack Abstract...
View ArticleStack implementation in Clojure II – A functional approach
My last post on the topic was creating a stack implementation using Clojure protocols and records – except, it used atoms internally and wasn’t inherently “functional”. Here’s my take on a new...
View ArticleSerializing Clojure Datastructures
I’ve been trying to figure out how best to serialize data structures in Clojure, and discovered a couple of methods to do so. (Main reference thanks to a thread on the Clojure Google Group here ) (def...
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